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Bus Suspensions


In addition to the Student Behavior Code, the following School Bus Safety Rules must be followed at all times while on a school bus, activity bus or other district vehicle.  Additional consequences, including bus suspension or school suspension may be given for any violation of these rules.


  • No glass containers, baseball/softball bats, lacrosse sticks or skateboards are allowed on the bus.
  • No spitting, eating, or drinking on the bus.
  • No smoking or vaping at the bus stop or on the school bus.
  • No profanity, verbal abuse, harassment, teasing, obscene or sexual gestures.
  • No standing while the bus is in motion.
  • No hanging any part(s) of your anatomy outside a window.
  • No throwing or shooting any type of object.
  • No play-fighting or horse playing.
  • Do not ride any bus that you are not assigned to.
  • Do not ride any bus during the suspension of bus privileges.
  • Do not vandalize the bus or ignite any flammable object.
  • Do not hold onto the bus from the outside.
  • Do not make excessive noise or other disruptive behavior.
  • Keep your feet, body, and bags out of the aisle.
  • Do not block the aisle with band instruments, sports equipment or book bags.
  • Students must obey the directions of the driver.
  • Do not exhibit behavior that disturbs the students or driver.
  • Talk quietly, but avoid loud, boisterous behavior, including singing, clapping, stomping, or yelling.
  • No spraying of cologne, body spray or other types of chemicals or lotions while on the bus.
  • Never tamper with the emergency exits or any other part of the bus, including horns, lights, fire extinguishers and first aid equipment.
  • Board and exit the bus at their designated stop or school.
  • Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Usage of cell phones, computers or other devices that cause a disruption on the bus or distraction to the driver may cause a bus suspension.                                                                                      


The Office of Transportation will assign suspensions from riding the school bus and other district vehicles for violation of the Student Behavior Code or School Bus Safety Rules while on a school bus or other district vehicle. Inappropriate behavior on a bus or in a school vehicle will also involve school-assigned consequences.  

In any disciplinary incident in which safety is a concern, a student may be temporarily suspended from the bus pending the result of a full investigation.  Investigations will normally be completed within 3 school days.  No student will be removed from the bus until a transportation supervisor has made direct contact with the student’s parents/guardian.  Parents have the right to appeal bus suspensions to the Director of Transportation in the same manner as suspensions from school.

When an out-of-school suspension and bus suspension are adjudicated for an incident, the suspension from riding the bus will begin after the completion of the out-of-school suspension.

Bus suspensions may be appealed to the Director of Transportation.  A written request (letter or email) may be sent to the District Transportation Office to the attention of Harold Williams, Director of Transportation.  The written request must be received within (3) days. and must list the reason(s) or justification for the appeal.  Email appeals to  Harold Williams at