District Volunteer Guidelines
Volunteer Guidelines
The goal of the volunteer program in School District Five is to utilize the wealth of knowledge, experience, and talents prevalent in our community to ensure continued educational excellence. To attract, maintain and fully utilize the services of volunteers, effective management is crucial. A professional approach must be maintained as the needs of the schools and the motivations of volunteers expand.
In order to become a volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers found to the left and return them to the volunteer liaison at the school at which you wish to volunteer. (CMS Volunteer Liaison - Suzanne Nash snash@lexrich5.org). In order for your application to be considered, please provide an official photo ID when submitting the required paperwork.
If you plan to be a volunteer tutor, volunteer coach, assist with the band/step program or plan to chaperone an overnight field trip, you are required to fill out the district Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement. These applications are approved for three years but are subject to review. Also, your application may be submitted to the S.C. Law Enforcement Division (SLED) for a background check, a sex offender background check and the Department of Social Services (DSS Child Abuse Registry). Based on information received from these agencies, you may not be permitted to become a volunteer.
All daytime school volunteers and visitors should check-in at the school’s Ident-A-Kid station and wear the issued identification badge while in the school. This process eliminates the need for daytime volunteers to fill out the district volunteer application.
Volunteers seeking approval for overnight field trips should submit an application at least two weeks before the trip. The school will be sent a list of approved chaperones.
Volunteers should obtain permission to visit other classrooms, students or teachers while working in schools.
Volunteers should dress appropriately for the school setting.